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Two Poems by MK Chavez

Fresh new poems by MK Chavez

Two Poems by MK Chavez

The Faculties of Sense

MK Chavez


It    was    a    rough    year    for    equilibrium.   Messages   rubbed   the   open   wound  of us. In an effort to explain myself I sometimes uttered, I am the aftermath of war. On an early August afternoon the heat and those words, they were sticks and stones, they were bullets. Some walked through the streets in a deep haze as if death was not part of the equation. When the term random acts was first coined it was not meant to mate with the words gunmetal and rapid succession. Consider the body left on the ground for hours.  The world allowed to fester.

A solitary man so used to his podium reading an autopsy. Recall the words a poet writing about his tribe, that poem not being for you. All that is not yours.

If we could gift you this…

Even perception is not that malleable.  






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The Golden Ratio

MK Chavez


The distance between the span of a wing, the arc on which I rest is clavicle.

Measuring moments as collections of speculation.

Formula, A question of:

                             How many slashes make a slish?

                             Exactly what makes a girl a gash?

                             Beholder of hidden flaws

                             forays into lux,

                             don’t deny the twang

                             of eight thousand nerves.

                             Why all the tremble and janksy ?

                             There is much to discuss

                             between circumstance

                             and circumference.

                             All we are is round and round,

                            in search for rational perfection.

                            When we fit together like questions.







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MK Chavez is a writer and a champion of public health. She writes about the world as it presents itself to her, broken and achingly luminous.

She is the author of Virgin Eyes (Zeitgeist Press). Mothermorphosis will be released in March 2016 followed by her full-length collection Dear Animal, which will be available in the fall. 

Chavez is co-founder/co-curator of the Berkeley-based monthly reading series Lyrics & Dirges, and the co-director of the Berkeley Poetry Festival. She believes in literary confrontation and its capacity to an obliterate all forms of oppression.

Recent and upcoming work can be found in East Bay Review, Penumbra and Eleven Eleven.